Ingredients of Success


As a young karate-ka (teenager) I kept a special folder with my karate notes, essays and grading requirement lists. Whilst I was doing a little research today I stumbled across this well-worn folder and I found a piece of writing that I thought others may appreciate.

This piece of writing was shared with me as a gift at a very difficult time in my life. I remember working towards a NSW State Titles and I had this piece of writing with me. For the first time, I would go on to secure a victory against myself as I was able to take control of my mind long enough to compete at my best.

It was a fleeting moment at that, but it was enough to drop me onto a path of continual self-discovery to find ways to not only be the best I could be but to also help others be the best they can be in both the dojo and in life.

So, what are the Ingredients of success
Visit to find out

About the Author

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