Sensei Martin captured a beautiful moment this week for Team Strazzari. How is this for timing?
The week that Debbie celebrates one year of training and the week after she earned her green/white stripe belt, both Senpai Selina and Senpai David are in the dojo together. For those of you who didn’t know, Debbie is the proud mum of Senpai Selina and Senpai David and the amazing Jessica. Maybe one day we’ll get Jessica into the dojo to train with mum.
Congratulations Debbie. It’s certainly been a big year for you, but admittedly, you have put a lot of time into your training whilst also being a super star at the front desk.
Thank you to Senpai Selina who continues to train and inspire all of us to greater heights. And, thank you to Senpai David for dropping in for a training session whilst in town. We certainly miss Senpai David but are so proud of the young man he has become.