Grading Results


Congratulations to all students earning new grades at the recent grading (Sat, 4 Feb). Be sure to congratulate these students the next time you see them in the dojo.

12th Kyu – Yellow belt
Akshaj Brahme, Ryan Gregson, Lily Hall, Hayley Teasdale, Ruby Tickle

11th Kyu – Orange belt, white stripe
Jessica Konings, Elijah Spillane

10th Kyu – Orange belt
Lama Abdelhameed, Wes Barr, Declan Flaherty

9th Kyu – Green belt, white stripe
Fynn Colless, Debra Flaherty, Johnathon Zhou

8th Kyu – Green belt
Nakoa Seni

7th Kyu – Blue belt, white stripe
Keahi Seni

6th Kyu – Blue belt
Ryan Bridge
Otis Pihema

4th Kyu – Purple belt
Annie Gagnier, Lachlan Thomas

2nd Kyu – Brown belt
Brett McRae, Terry Plant

About the Author

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