Newsletter – April 2015



The latest issue is now available for download.  Newsletter – April 2015 (7.3MB PDF).  Or grab a hard copy from the dojo.

In this issue:

  1. What Would You Have Done?
  2. Leader of the Month
  3. March Highlights
  4. Japanese Language
  5. Upcoming Events
  6. A Touch of Wisdom
  7. Attendance Recognition (Another huge month of training.  Well done everyone!!!)
  8. Welcome New Students
  9. Student Birthday’s
  10. Photos:  In the Dojo
  11. A Gift Loaded with Value (VIP Starter Membership)

Download now – Newsletter – April 2015 (7.3MB PDF).   Or grab a hard copy from the dojo.

Lao-Tzu quote

About the Author

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